Girl on Fire

It’s not easy to hit the high note but she still tries. From the backseat she fills up her lungs and becomes a one performer choir. The chorus comes and with full confidence pronounces, “this girl is on fire!” He voice breaks at the top of the line but she’s unperturbed and I stay quiet and amused. 
Then I remember how I too enjoyed singing in the car but I did not have the confidence to do it with anyone around. I sang in my room with the doors closed or in my car with the windows up. 
I live vicariously through her and enjoy the concert.

De Escalation – Tensions are high but they could be diffused more often if we had a better outlook.

Hugo was an angry young man in Los Angeles during the late 90s and 2000s. Luckily his anger didn’t land him in serious hot water. Now at 40 plus years he has rethought his approach to dealing with situations where tempers are flaring and how that could impact the lives of his kin. Your thoughts and comments are always appreciated.
Today on the Show:
Boyz n the Hood clip:
Cholo Definition by Urban Dictionary:
Subscribe to the Podcast or you can find Hugo on Twitter at @hugosposts on Insta at @hugotorres or his blog at  

Going on Thirteen

Funny how we decide to mark certain days. Today, for instance, I choose to mark this day as the first time my son’s gaze and mine met at the same level. Standing in front of him I looked into his bright birthday eyes and realized that come this time next year there’s a good chance he’ll be looking down at me. In that transitory moment I took stock of him and still registered his renowned goofiness, sweetness, confidence and happy attitude. He is still my guy to care for and teach. He is still growing and maturing. He is a better version of me in so many different ways. That all included in the mental mark I’ve made for myself on his special day. 
Now bring on the Teen-Age years!

His Hands

I was the first person that has loved him to touch his hand. His bright blue eyes would meet light for some time and in this brave new world touch was all he had. With his wrinkly miniature hand he grasped my trembling finger and I felt his hearty grip as he squeezed. Years have passed since then and now his paws are as big as mine. They are thin, smooth and would be flawless if he didn’t chew on his nails. They are in contrast with my sun beat skin, protruding wrinkles and a slight tremble at some fingers. His grip is much stronger now and when we play he’s hurt me and I’ve told him countless times to take it easy on me. I can beat him at a Thumb War but my days are numbered. He talks with his hands like I do and I get a chuckle every time he gets animated and those palms are moving a mile a minute. He reaches out sometimes on a walk and I will never deny him that feeling that I’m there for him.
I could not bear to be without him and not have another chance to feel his hands. That is why the passing of young people hurts so much even when they are not mine.


I make breakfast, dinners, brunches, pack snacks, do midnight burger runs, stuff sack lunches for first days of school, pick up a pizza on the way back home after a late Open House, grill steaks on the 3rd, 4th & 8th of July, bake chocolate chips cookies cause she craves them, pop popcorn before popping in a movie & fix the occasional cocktail for good measure.