Her mom’s mean ole terrier made it so that we had to keep her bedroom door closed when I came over to visit. Some of the time we flirted with our college work. A few of the times we fought in hushed voices because her parents were in the nearby living room. Often we would sit on the floor listening to Chris Isaak cds on the boom box fashioned to look like the front of a Jeep. We watched movies in the days of low definition and sometimes we fell asleep halfway through. . We played a lot with her state of the art Polaroid camera. There were a lot of longing stares and making out sessions. We were like magnets then that just needed to be joined together. Very very late at night I would sneak out so as not to wake up the dog and I would drive back home to Boyle Heights where my dad was still awake with a lecture ready.
When that was over I would call her and we’d talk until we fell asleep.