El Tango de Hugo – Hugo is startled from a dream and suddenly he starts answering some crazy quandaries and questions.

The cold and cough season continue to plague the Torres household and after a long night of short dreams and then little sleep Hugo takes some time time to ask some pertinent questions. It’s not quite everything you’ve ever wanted to know about Hugo but were afraid to ask but we’re getting there.
Today on the Show:
Tango – Por Una Cabeza:   https://youtu.be/SJ1aTPM-dyE
Andrea Bocelli Por Una Cabeza: https://youtu.be/m8AnS9Lnpw0
Game Played is Crazy Quandaries Published by Simply Fun Games  https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/37591/qrazy-quandaries 
Subscribe to the Podcast or you can find Hugo on Twitter at @hugosposts on Insta at @hugotorres or his blog at sangabrielvalley.blogspot.com  

Princess and the Gent

At a bus stop with no shade off Route 66 and la Buena Vista sad sat a younger man than I and little girl no more than half a dozen years old. 
The wispy mustache the young fella bore barely covered the many spots he had at his lip and throughout his face and he wore a pristine cap, shoes, t-shirt and black jeans. He looked well pressed and put together. 
She was a sight. Her fingers Hot-Cheeto red from the bag of treats why balanced at her lap. She wore a loosely fitting Cinderella dress with a staged sash. Plastic